
This function allows bets to be updated with new instructions for what to do when the market goes in play. Having logged in using the betfair function and placed any number of bets using the placeOrders function, you may wish to update some or all of those bets, the updateOrders method can help.


                marketId = NA)


param details
... specific details about the bets to update, use update_inst function to target individual bets via their id
marketId the unique id for the market in which the bets should be updated


To update multiple bets at once, it is a case of entering multiple outputs of update_inst like so

bf$updateOrders(update_inst(betId = 1,
                            persistenceType = "PERSIST"),
                update_inst(betId = 2,
                            persistenceType = "LAPSE"),
                marketId = "1.111111")


The function should return details about whether the updates were successful or not, and data about the new bets.