

The collect_ff function collects fresh data from, it will take a while to complete and is to be used sparingly


collect_ff(n = 600, specify_ids = NULL, .progress = "none")


param details
n the number of players (default = 600)
specify_ids numeric vector, enter ids to collect data for specific players
.progress progress bar (from plyr), options inc. “text”, “time”, “tk” or “win”


Users can specify the number of players they wish to collect data for by changing the n parameter. If n is greater than the number of players, the function will only return the number of players available, however it will attempt to find n players, so do not input large n. The number of players in the game is around 550, the default value of n is 600.

Alternatively, passing a numeric vector to the specify_ids parameter, it is possible to collect data for specific players (I am unsure if ids change during the season). This function takes some time to run, and returns a list which can then be turned into dataframes using other functions in the package, see players_df, pastseasons_df.

Example use

# collect players with ids 1 thru 50
new_list <- collect_ff(n = 50)

# collect players with ids 500 thru 550
new_list <- collect_ff(specify_ids = 500:550)