
Having logged in using the betfair function, the environment contains the marketTypes method. This method can be used to get the various types of markets (eg. WINNER, HANDICAP, OVER_UNDER_25, etc), and the number of markets.


bf$marketTypes(filter = marketFilter())


param details
filter select desired markets, see marketFilter for various parameters to filter by, or the relevant help pages on Betfair. If nothing is entered, all marketTypes are returned


The function returns a dataframe of market Types and the number of markets associated with that type.

variable details
marketType the type of market (eg. WINNER, HANDICAP, OVER_UNDER_25)
marketCount the number of markets currently available associated with this market type


# login
bf <- betfair(usr = Sys.getenv("bf_usr"), pwd = Sys.getenv("bf_pwd"), key = Sys.getenv("bf_key"))
Login successful
# return all countries
tmp <- bf$marketTypes()
  marketType marketCount
1   NONSPORT          52
2     WINNER          59
3    SPECIAL         111
4   STEWARDS           1
5     UNUSED          16
6  MATCH_BET          44
# return all horse racing events
tmp <- bf$marketTypes(filter = marketFilter(eventTypeIds = 7))
     marketType marketCount
1       SPECIAL           9
2      STEWARDS           1
3 RACE_WIN_DIST           5
4   OTHER_PLACE         141
5           WIN         219
6         PLACE         166
# return all horse racing events whose start date is beyond next week
tmp <- bf$marketTypes(filter = marketFilter(eventTypeIds = 7, from = Sys.Date() + 
    marketType marketCount
1 ANTEPOST_WIN          80
2      SPECIAL           6