
Here you will find details about the R package fantasysocceR, which contains datasets and functions for playing and interacting with the official fantasy football game ( The package is hosted on github, you can find it here, there is also a short post introducing the package here.

To install and load the package (devtools must be installed first):

# install.packages("devtools")
devtools::install_github(repo = "fantasysocceR", user = "durtal")


There are 3 stable datasets that come with the package, these datasets were updated after the 2014/15 Premier League season was completed. The datasets are:

There are also 2 datasets with data, collected on Aug 3, 2015, with data about the 2015/16 season, these are:


There are a few functions included in the package, one of which collects up-to-date fantasy football data, the function is collect_ff. This function returns a list of players and their performance data. This list can then be converted to neat dataframes using some of the packages other functions, these are players_df, pastseasons_df and currentseasons_df. To see these functions in action see here.

Another function, team_pal provides a simple palette for the teams in the 2014/15 season, this palette can then be used in conjunction with ggplot2 to create some nice plots.