
Returns a lbs per second scale taking into account race distance and surface


lbs_per_sec(dist, surf = "turf")


param details
dist race distance (in furlongs, only races between 5 and 16)
surf race surface, default is “turf”, other option is “dirt” (see details)


Uses a loess model to return a simple lbs per second scale. The dist parameter must be between 5 and 16, values outside this range will return NA. If the surface is fibresand, then use the “dirt” option for the surf parameter, if all-weather then use the “turf” option.

Simple model comes from Bob Wilkins’ book Bioenergetics and Racehorse Ratings. This function should eventually be replaced by a more complex/flexible model that takes into account the speed a horse ran its race.

Example Use

lbs_per_sec(dist = 5, surf = "turf")
## [1] 29.74
lbs_per_sec(dist = 5, surf = "dirt")
## [1] 20.82