
Calculates finishing sectional, reverse engineers a Finishing Speed (see fin_spd) into a sectional time (in seconds)


fin_sect(fintime, dist, fin_spd, sect_dist)


param details
fin_time final time
dist race distance
fin_spd finishing speed
sect_dist closing sectional distance


The two distance parameters, dist and sect_dist, must be in the same units, furlongs, feet, metres, etc. While the fin_time parameter should be in seconds, and the fin_spd parameter should be a number around 100.

Two articles by Simon Rowlands explaining Finishing Speeds (and sectionals) can be found: An Introduction to Sectional Timing (Part 1) An Introduction to Sectional Timing (Part 2)

Example Use

We’ll reverse engineer the example used in the fin_spd help page. Which showed a horse running a race over 5 furlongs in 59 seconds, the closing sectional was 2 furlongs and the horse recorded a finishing speed of 102.61.

fin_sect(fin_time = 59, dist = 5, fin_spd = 102.61, sect_dist = 2)
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