
Converts weight from different formats/units of measure into lbs.


conv_wgt(wgt, regex = NULL, from = "st", round = 0)


param details
wgt vector of weights to be converted (see examples)
regex regular expression to split wgt by (if wgt is a character string representing stones and lbs)
from converts from different units of measure
round round to nearest digit


Converts a numeric weight from kilograms (“kg”) to stones (“st”) into lbs. It also converts a character string of stones and lbs, ie. 9-4 representing 9 stone 7 lbs, into lbs using regex

Example Use

wgts <- c("9-7", "9-0", "11-8")
conv_wgt(wgt = wgts)
## [1] 133 126 162
wgts <- c(57, 58, 59)
conv_wgt(wgt = wgts, from = "kg")
## [1] 126 128 130